
Storytelling in advertising – how to tell stories that sell and build the brand’s image?

  • 28 February 2024

Storytelling, or narrative marketing, is used in many branches of promotion. You’ll see it on both social media and advertising campaigns. Thanks to it, recipients have positive associations with the offer. Good storytelling in advertising and narrative marketing is worth its weight in gold. The story told should build recipients’ trust in the brand and stimulate their imagination.

Why is storytelling so effective?

You’ve probably encountered a situation in your life where you had to remember important information. However, it was delivered to you in a sterile, dry way that made you remember nothing. On the other hand, you often remember the smallest details, such as the color of a stranger’s shoes from an anecdote told by a friend. If I asked you to give me a random school definition that we all had to memorize at some point, it wouldn’t be that easy, would it? Why? Perhaps it was given to you during a boring lesson, by a teacher who was not necessarily able to “captivate the crowd” with his dynamics or charisma. This comparison proves how important storytelling and a skillfully told story are to the recipient. It makes certain information and facts easier to digest. Storytelling is used by marketers in marketing campaigns aimed at presenting the idea of a company – especially those that remain in memory for many years, thus evoking the desired emotions among recipients. However, the advantages of storytelling do not end there. A good story is the key to success these days.

Storytelling – what is it? Definition

Storytelling is the art of telling stories, assigning a narrative using words, images, sounds or other media channels. To raise the topic of content, belief about something, or to evoke specific emotions in the recipient. It is a communication tool that has been used for centuries to convey values, traditions, history and interpersonal experiences. Storytelling has and continues to explain the world, which is why it is perfect for marketing.

How to skillfully use storytelling in marketing – storytelling in advertising?

You must know that using skillful storytelling in the marketing space is nothing more than creating a narrative that will convey a certain message. The story accompanying, for example, your product or brand should make the product promoted appear subconsciously in the imagination of a potential customer. When a stimulus related to an advertising campaign appears in its environment, e.g. a symbol, color or emotions that accompanied the consumption of promotional content. This has an extremely positive impact on the positioning of the entire brand and brand awareness, thus generating the revenue that every company cares about. Storytelling gives the brand distinctiveness, thus allowing it to stand out from the competition.

The ability to create a story is not only about a catchy script and an aesthetically designed campaign. To achieve success in this field, you need to skillfully select the platform on which storytelling marketing will be presented. A good idea is to make each brand story have a common denominator, which will subconsciously create a connotation between them in the minds of potential customers. For example, a brand hero (mascot) who will act as a guide, for example, through the offer, can help with this. However, remember that the whole thing should have a logical structure.

Marketing and storytelling. How to use storytelling to create a good story?

To use storytelling in advertising most effectively, try not to use professional jargon in your communication. This will make your product seem more accessible to the customer. Instead of complicated, industry-specific language, focus on vocabulary that will make the advertising message lightly depict the product and emotions. An important aspect of building an image based on storytelling is targeting your offer in the right way.

You need to be aware of who your audience is. Why? This determines how you will conduct your marketing campaigns… You will address younger audiences from Generation Z differently, and yet differently to representatives of Generation X with specialized interests. So remember that regardless of what you offer, the probability that your product will be a universal good for every person is very small. In storytelling, as in every story, there should be room for an introduction, development and ending. Organizing the story will make the whole thing lighter and easier to read.

Keep in mind that storytelling in marketing does not give you room to manipulate facts, which means that, for example, your communication on social media, despite the colorful language, must be truthful, showing the benefits of the offer or product. However, leave room for the recipients’ imagination, so that their opinion about the brand is based on feelings, not dry facts. Engaging your imagination is a factor thanks to which your brand will live in people’s minds for a long time. Let your campaigns present the vision, mission and values that guide your brand. This will allow potential customers to identify with your offer and establish a bond with the company, which may translate into a greater chance of using your products or services.

Examples of storytelling. Is telling a story the key to success in content marketing?

To create a valuable narrative, you should track campaigns that were successful and memorable for many people. Analyzing the activities of other companies will not only help you find inspiration, but also avoid potential mistakes. Develop your business wisely to avoid marketing blunders that cost not only a lot of money, but also time, which is extremely valuable when undertaking business activities.

1.    Allegro 2016 Christmas campaign

Allegro has created a gem among Christmas spots, telling a touching story with a three-minute video that tugs at the heartstrings. The video shows an elderly man who is determined to learn English. Learning a language consumes every free moment he has. Viewers of the spot see the man’s linguistic battles and the unusual places he chooses to learn. But where is the place for advertising the Allegro platform in this extraordinary spot? Well, the hero of the video receives two packages ordered on the platform.

The story has an introduction in which an old man receives a parcel. The development shows the main character’s determination and determination while learning English, and the ending in which the man finally meets his grandson who lives abroad.

Storytelling in Allegro advertising is at a very high level. The structure of the campaign is book-like, with atmospheric music and an appeal to the viewer’s emotions.

2.    Pepsi “Is pepsi ok?” 2019

What do you see when you hear the word “Coke”? Most of us see a bottle with a red label before our eyes. However, Coke is just a type of drink, but thanks to Coca Cola’s excellent branding, it’s hard to think of it as just one of many alternatives to the same drink. For years, however, Pepsi has been fighting for customers with Coca Cola, which is well aware of its competitor’s advantage and used it in its 2019 advertising campaign.

The minute-long spot features a woman ordering a Coke and a waiter asking if Pepsi is good enough. By default, a comparison of Coca Cola vs. immediately appears in the mind of the viewer. Pepsi. After this question, Steve Carell appears, noticing the way the question was asked… and starts a kind of game with the waiter… He suggests switching roles, asks perverse questions, tries to arouse his enthusiasm and convince him to change his attitude. Two more famous figures appear in the clip: Cardi B and Lil Jon, who argue that “Pepsi is more than okay.” The promotional video ends with convincing the customer to try the drink from the characteristic blue can:

The effect is extremely funny – see for yourself.

The advertising spot is in a humorous mood… The distance and ease presented by the brand caused a very positive response and received many favorable comments.

3.    Spotify “Only you: Harry” 2021

A great example of storytelling is the Spotify campaign, the most powerful streaming platform for listening to music. It brings together many artists, giving them a place to share their works with audiences. The brand, which bases its popularity on its creators, has gained recognition thanks to its unique approach to users, which is shown in the promotional video from 2021.

In the recording, the platform used the name of the famous musician Harry Styles, citing statistics that show the monthly listening of songs by the British artist. Thanks to this, viewers are aware of the number of recipients in which it is very possible that they are also included. However, Spotify does not generalize listeners and through the spot tries to show the uniqueness of each song played on their platform.

The ad shows beachgoers spending time relaxing and a girl who is preparing for her final exams by looping one song all the time. Each time the song is played, the young woman experiences it a little differently. This just shows how different and unique everyone can feel towards the same object.

Spotify realizes that belonging to a group is an important aspect of human life, as is the desire to be a separate individual. They managed to achieve this in one piece while telling a coherent, interesting story.

4.    Volkswagen – „The Force” 2011

In a Volkswagen commercial first broadcast in 2011, we observe the actions of a little boy dressed as Darth Vader. The child unsuccessfully tries to use the dark side of the force in every possible way. He tries both on a domestic dog and on a breakfast plate. The resigned boy also tries his hand at driving a car after his father returns from work. When the man sees his son’s efforts, he decides to help his son’s skills and starts the car from the kitchen using the key. The little boy finally succeeds.

The “Cars for the People” campaign shows its advantages in a touching way, while targeting its product by appropriately narrating the whole thing.

5. Campaign of the National Road Safety Council

However, narrative marketing is not only used for commercial purposes. It is also used in social campaigns. Social campaigns are intended to shock and evoke extreme emotions, thus giving people food for thought. A teaching story will arouse specific feelings in the recipient and will remain in his or her consciousness for a longer time. Just look at the impression the following social campaign has on commentators:

It would seem that the material would depict a routine crossing of an intersection. However, the campaign created surprised the audience, leaving them in suspense before the accident. Recipients observe a conversation between drivers who know that they cannot turn back time. The film leaves the viewer in consternation and gives him food for thought.

Storytelling in marketing – summary

However, it is worth remembering that storytelling in marketing is not only about video advertisements… Storytelling can be used in every aspect of marketing activities. Make people want to be associated with your brand by using such a simple tool as telling exciting, engaging and emotive stories. Let social media know the brand’s stories and what it has to offer. If the art of storytelling is still a mystery to you, follow Topeak Magazine.

However, if you need a helping hand in your marketing activities, contact us! We will help you reach new heights… thanks to storytelling and more!

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