
PR agency Warsaw — how can it effectively support the development of your company?

Many companies focus on sales and marketing, but do not pay attention to the role of building a positive image and relations with the environment using cooperation with a PR agency in Warsaw. In this text, we will convince you that such thinking is a mistake. We will pay attention to the role of the company’s image. We will present tools and activities that can be used to build and maintain positive relationships with the environment. Furthermore, we will also explain to you what PR agencies are and what the client can gain from such cooperation.

PR agency Warsaw, Łódź, Kraków, Poznań, Wrocław… It doesn’t matter where the cooperating PR agency is from. What is important is that it can effectively support the development of your company.

Why is a company’s image significant?

Do you have a favorite store where you always shop? If so, what makes you visit it most often? You certainly are not guided only by one specific criterion — for example, a competitive price or good quality.

Now imagine that same store where you may find lots of high-quality products or very affordable prices, but… in complete chaos. No category is clearly marked. The prices, supposedly incredibly attractive, are not exposed at all. You don’t know how much the product you are interested in costs. To do this, you ask the staff for help. However, all store employees are rude to you, and you feel like you are treated like an intruder. You won’t go back to a store like that, will you?

What is brand image?

Although this is only a colorful story, it well reflects the meaning and role of the brand image. Brand image is everything that makes up a customer’s experience with a brand: service, store layout, clarity of information… This experience can be positive or negative.

The situation is similar with the image, i.e., the recipient’s individual idea of a given entity or organization. It is the positive image — and not the marketing or products themselves — that determines whether you are able to trust a given brand or company, whether you have a good opinion about it and whether you would be able to use its goods or choose their services.

Public relations — goal

Building and maintaining a positive image and good relations with the environment is an absolutely fundamental goal of public relations activities.

Why do you think the largest companies in Poland and in the world invest enormous amounts of money in image and public relations activities? It’s quite simple: their products or services reach millions of recipients, often scattered all over the world. Building and maintaining such trust is a process that requires constant attention. That’s not all, however, in order for products to reach these customers, they must cooperate effectively with trusted subcontractors, suppliers and business partners. In order for them to continue to develop, they must make a good impression on investors. In order to appear in new markets, they should gain the favor and trust of local authorities. And so on and so forth… In short — operations on such a scale require enormous trust from both consumers and all other stakeholders of this organization. Building a company’s image is a constant process that requires patience and consistent action.

Public relations — who should use PR activities?

Wait a minute — does this mean that PR is only for giant corporations? We assure you — absolutely not. Building a good image and maintaining the best possible relations with the company’s environment should be the goal of every organization — regardless of whether in Poland or abroad. The good news is that this goal can be achieved in many ways, using various activities and tools. How to choose the optimal ones? It is worth using the support of a PR agency.

PR agency—what is it?

PR Agency Warsaw is an organization that aims to build the image of its clients. The task of a public relations agency in Warsaw is to create coherent and strategic communication plans and expose them in space or to the public at various levels. A PR agency usually consists of a group of specialists. This is a group of people with knowledge of broadly understood communication and social media, media relations, public affairs and even areas such as influencer marketing. A big advantage of PR agencies is typically their interdisciplinary nature. Such companies may serve different clients, representing completely different industries, having completely different communication goals and using completely different tools.

Public Relations Agency Warsaw — scope of services

Knowledge of the realities of many industries and the broadly understood market (not only in Poland) means that the PR agency in Warsaw can offer a range of services tailored to the needs of clients. Each cooperation, of course, requires an individual approach and the use of slightly different tools. Below we list the most important ones, without which it is difficult to imagine effective brand image activities, and with which PR agencies can significantly help.

Public relations. Creating a communication strategy

Practically every company should have and implement a specific communication strategy. What is she? This is a document presenting the key assumptions of the brand’s communication with the environment. It should result from the marketing strategy and take into account the brand positioning (the place the company would like to take on the market). The communication strategy should take into account the target group the brand wants to reach, what and how it wants to communicate to them, and finally — it wants to achieve with this communication. As the name suggests, it is a document of strategic importance for companies, so it is worth using the help of an agency when creating its content or implementing its assumptions.

Public relations agency and social media

Social media is also a very important element shaping the brand’s identity, reputation, and image. Activities in social media — on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or LinkedIn — do not have to, and indeed should not, be intended solely for sales or be treated as solutions supporting marketing. As part of social media communication, a company can not only propose its products or services, but also use them to communicate its mission, vision or expert knowledge, which is extremely helpful in gaining and maintaining customer trust.

Media relations

This is one of the key public relations tools. Its goal is to make the media more willing to publish mentions of the company, associate the brand well and present positive opinions about it in media coverage. Mention the company in the so-called quality media that your customers read or watch gives you the opportunity to reach a much wider audience.

The key to media relations is consistency and patience. Such relationships include building a database of journalists, establishing contact with them, interest them in topics that they could discuss and embed the brand in their context. It is especially worth undertaking when the company wants to build trust in the brand by positioning itself as an expert, perfectly versed in a given market or in a specific area. Expert content is very well received by both the media and all stakeholders of the organization — including current and new customers, partner companies, investors and other people.

PR offer — Contact us

If you are thinking about developing your business so that it arouses trust, interest and is credible, choose our agency and use our services! Contact us and introduce us to your brand. Tell us what your values are and who your customers are. Based on this information, our sales team will develop optimal solutions and cooperation proposals. If you decide on it, we can design appropriate communication for you that will support the achievement of your goals. We operate throughout Poland — our agency implements projects not only in the city of Warsaw. We have a lot of exciting projects and communication campaigns under our belt, and our offer is comprehensive.

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