
Current dimensions of social media graphics (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok)

Social media has become one of the main ways of communicating nowadays. Content published on social media is usually graphic. Therefore, a very important aspect of graphics is their aesthetics, part of which is maintaining the appropriate proportions of graphics. Thanks to this, what you want to share will be more readable and visible, which will have a positive impact on the post algorithm and help them reach a larger audience. Remember, however, that social media constantly change requirements regarding the size of graphics. Check what graphic dimensions are currently valid on specific platforms!

Facebook image dimensions 2024

Facebook is a platform that serves people for many purposes. Some people decide to run a private account to maintain contact with their loved ones, others treat Facebook as a place for discussion, and still others run thematic websites and treat the account as a form of a blog. However, all Facebook entries have the same thing in common! Publications with graphics or photos attached attract attention much more often than those without graphics. Therefore, make your Facebook account eye-catching and ensure appropriate graphics sizes.

Facebook is a platform where you can place graphics in many sizes, and the website itself will adjust the size of the graphics to the field intended for graphics. Please remember, however, that the graphic will be cropped or adjusted to fit this field, often destroying the aesthetic value of the graphic. For this reason, it is better to adjust the dimensions according to Facebook’s recommendations. Below we present the dimensions of graphics on Facebook.

Profile photos

Facebook recommends using at least 500 × 500 px graphics. However, graphics and a profile photo with a size of 700 x 700 px work great. Remember that your profile photo will appear in the form of a circle, so it’s worth cropping it to show what you want to highlight on your account. A profile photo is a showcase of the profile – regardless of whether it is a private or company profile.

Cover photo

Graphics and photos in size 820 x 312 px are the minimum recommended size. So that the graphics in the profile background look aesthetically pleasing. A cover photo and a profile photo can create a coherent whole that will compliment each other, so it is recommended that the graphics be in similar colors.

Event background photo

1200 x 628 px is the optimal graphic size. However, keep in mind that Facebook crops cover photo graphics in events, but when clicked, the entire graphic is displayed, and it is the people who set the photo who decide which part of the graphic will be visible. You can use this fact to your advantage by highlighting, for example, the most important information in the graphics in the background of the event (place, date and time).

Dimensions for the group background

Many people who create groups on Facebook wonder what graphic format to choose when choosing a background for the group. Recommended dimensions are 1640 x 856 px. However, you can choose larger graphics, but remember that Facebook will automatically crop the graphics, cutting off part of them. Therefore, remember to place the most important part of the graphic in the center.

The amount of text on graphics

An important aspect of selecting graphics is also remembering that the profile photo and cover photo are not the only visual part of Facebook. Remember that any content you publish on Facebook should contain graphics. Thanks to this, you will attract the attention of a larger group of users.

If you plan to include text on your graphics, keep in mind that Facebook prefers only 20% of your graphics to be text. This applies especially to advertising graphics, but it is better to apply this rule in every case so as not to lose potential reach.

Dimensions of graphics on Facebook – dimensions of Facebook posts

Vertical post (vertical graphics)

Reposting is probably the best received form of fasting in the era of phones. Social media goes well with the vertical positioning of graphics, because mobile devices are designed to receive the vertical format. The recommended dimensions of vertical graphics are 640 x 960 px. This will ensure that none of the graphics are cut off or stretched.

Horizontal post (horizontal graphic)

Horizontal posts are great for conveying more information through text. Thanks to them, you can also share e.g. panoramic photos with your recipients. The recommended proportions of such graphics are 1200 x 900 px.

Dimensions for square posts on Facebook

The recommended dimensions of square post graphics are 1080 × 1080 px. These posts are very popular because it is very easy to make photos or graphics look pleasing to the eye. Graphics in the form of a square create a coherent whole.

Video posts

1280 x 720 px are the minimum recommended dimensions for video post graphics on Facebook. A video in this size will work great when you have more information to convey in the graphics than 20% of the size. You can create more graphics for this purpose and present them in the form of a video. The same goes for photos. Recordings are also a popular form of conveying content because they attract more audience attention than written content.

Graphic dimensions Facebook – stories

The dimensions of the relationship graphics are 1080 x 1920 px. Maintaining these proportions will allow you to comfortably view the graphics you have added, and the reduced format, which appears in miniature rectangles, will still look good. Keep in mind that the image that appears in the thumbnails should attract the recipients’ attention, e.g. with vivid colors, so that they click on your story.

Instagram graphics dimensions – profile, posts and stories

Nowadays, Instagram serves as an album or portfolio, so maintaining an aesthetic appearance is very important. It is a platform primarily for posting graphic content, so it is worth focusing on the appearance of your posts and Instagram stories to make them look as good as possible. To increase your reach, use hashtags that will help you reach potential followers who will appreciate your Instagram account.

Instagram: Photo dimensions to use

Instagram profile photo

The recommended dimensions of graphics that work well for an Instagram profile photo are 110 x 110 px. When choosing a photo, remember that Instagram displays your profile photo as a circle, so make sure that nothing you want to include in your profile photo is in the corners of a square photo, as they will be cropped.

Instagram square post

The current dimensions of graphics on Instagram that are recommended for square photos are 1080 x 1080 px. Photos in this format are ideal for concise content and photos with the most important elements in the middle. When creating graphics, remember that the written content should be clearly arranged in the field intended for this purpose. Square graphics look very aesthetic and attract the attention of observers.

Horizontal post

Adding graphics to Instagram as a horizontal rectangle with dimensions of 1080 x 566 px works great for a photo taken with a camera or for graphics with short content. This format is often seen on both personal and business accounts. In the case of photos or graphics in this format, it is worth adding a frame to the photos to help maintain proportions so that nothing is cut out of the frame.

vertical post

However, the most popular graphic dimensions on Instagram are 1080 x 1350 px, i.e. a vertical post. This is due to the specificity of the cameras in mobile devices and the rectangular vertical screen. Visual content of this size takes up a lot of space and guarantees that the person scrolling through their feed will pay more attention to vertical posts than to horizontal ones. This is because there will be fewer “distractions” on the feed in the form of snippets of posts lower or higher.

What sizes of graphics should I choose for Instagram stories?

Just like Facebook, Instagram offers adding stories to your account. This is a great solution if you have advertising graphics to show or something that you don’t think is worth a separate post, but you want to share it, adding something to stories is a good solution. The recommended size of graphics for a vertical rectangle is 1080 x 1920 px, and for a horizontal rectangle it is 1920 x 1080 px.

What are the current dimensions of graphics on LinkedIn?

LikedIn is a platform focused on helping people develop professional and business connections. Therefore, it is worth appearing professional in every respect. So choose high-quality graphics and adjust their size to the field intended for this purpose.

Profile picture

As with Instagram and Facebook, LinkedIn displays your avatar in a circular box. Therefore, adjust your photo, which will be your calling card in the online business world, to dimensions that will make the photo look professional and neat. The graphic size should be 400 x 400 px.

Page cover photo (cover photo)

The photo in the profile background should match your avatar, and the graphics should be well-thought-out. You can show the titles you have or a slogan that resonates with your approach to work. Please note that the sizes of graphics on a personal account are different from those on a business account. Cover photos in the appropriate format for personal accounts are 1158 x 396 px or 1536 x 768 px, while for corporate accounts the dimensions of 646 x 220 px are optimal.

Dimensions of Linkedin post graphics

LinkedIn is similar to Facebook when it comes to publishing content. It is worth publishing graphics attached to posts on LinkedIn, because publications with visual effects are better received by readers. Choosing a consistent color scheme will also have a positive impact on you as a brand, because you will start to be recognizable through consistent activity on social media. Choose the right graphics and sizes to achieve success. The size of the graphics attached to the post should be 1200 x 628 px.

YouTube and image sizes – what sizes should I use?

YouTube is a platform that is not associated with photos and graphics. However, the avatar and banner in the background of the channel make people involuntarily associate the channel with certain logos or colors. Therefore, it is worth spending time on it so that your YouTube account matches what you want to represent.

Profile photo – avatar

Your YouTube avatar will appear in the form of a circle, in such cases it is always best to make the original photo in the form of a square. In this case, it is recommended to use photos with a size of 800 x 800 px. This will ensure that the photos center nicely in the space provided for them.

Zdjęcie w tle

The current dimensions of graphics recommended for use in the background of a YouTube page are 2048 x 1152 px (minimum size). A horizontal rectangle is a great place to display what others can expect from your account.

Video thumbnails on YouTube

Thumbnails on YouTube are extremely important. They and the video titles are responsible for the click-through rate of the material. So do everything to make your thumbnails perfect. You need to take care of the colors you choose, what the graphics represent, and make sure everything is clear, because the competition in the video world is fierce. The recommended thumbnail size is 1920 x 1080 px.

TikTok – social media focused on the video format

When it comes to TikTok, it is quite a specific platform in terms of the ability to share graphics. Because these social media are famous for videos. But that doesn’t mean you can’t show attention to detail.

Avatar on tiktok

The form of square graphics is appreciated by social media users as graphics identifying profiles, because most social media present them in round boxes. Therefore, it is easier to crop them if the added photo is square. The recommended size that will allow the photo to be cropped as minimally as possible is 200 x 200 px.

Nowadays, attention to detail is very important. Aesthetics have become an integral part of the online world, so small details such as the size of graphics began to matter. Make your social profiles look as if they were designed by a graphic designer and control the size of your multimedia.

And if you don’t have time to think about the dimensions of graphics for social media and wonder what the maximum file size is or what graphics to create to reach potential customers, please visit our social media agency Brandpeak, where we will prepare content for social media, graphics, we will develop ideas for films and produce videos. Running a fanpage is our specialty.

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