
Marketing on LinkedIn – how to do it well?

marketing na linkedin

Bet on marketing on LinkedIn. LinkedIn has a lot of potential, but it is still not as appreciated a social media as Facebook or Instagram, and this is a big mistake. According to Sharebee data from 2022, it has over 800 million users around the world, and this number is constantly growing. This is a website where you will find completely different content than on other social media, and this is good news – why repeat the same patterns? So what does it contain and how to plan marketing on LinkedIn to make it effective?

LinkedIn – what is it and what is it for?

LinkedIn is an international social networking site used to gain business and professional contacts. Although it was created in 2002, it has only been available in the Polish version for 10 years. Its appearance and use resembles Facebook, but you must know that the content posted on it is significantly different. As we know, Facebook mainly publishes entertainment content.

LinkedIn users use it mainly for professional purposes, which is why they publish their CVs and references there, which makes it easier for them to search for a new job position and for employers to look for a new employee. LinkedIn has also become a space for companies to promote their company website and conduct marketing activities.

Thanks to the tools provided by the portal, this is possible and, what’s more, very effective. LinkedIn does not invite users to be friends, but creates a network of business contacts. Thanks to this, you reach a specific target group with similar business goals.

What are the benefits of a LinkedIn company profile?

LinkedIn, like other social media, offers many opportunities for both ordinary users and companies. Creating an account on this website is a good idea for anyone who wants to expand their professional prospects and gain new business contacts. Marketing activities on LinkedIn help companies promote and increase brand awareness among customers, as well as find new business partners. This is why LinkedIn is an extremely important social media.

Its biggest advantage is that the content is focused on reliable and valuable knowledge, thanks to which, when publishing on LinkedIn, a company can be recognized as professionals and experts in a given field, which will ensure effective advertising.

What to post on LinkedIn?

As we already know, LinkedIn is a platform known primarily in business and is used to build relationships with customers. It is difficult to say clearly which form of publication will be best for your company profile, because in each industry different content will be more “clickable”.

However, we can reveal that if you want to reach potential customers, the content must be interesting, well-thought-out and encouraging recipients to react. On LinkedIn, however, you can most often find various types of infographics and graphics, industry reports, expert articles, case studies and posts presenting new products and services as well as the company and its employees. You can typically find anecdotes from the industry and a lot of advice. LinkedIn also allows its users to publish advertisements.

Marketing on LinkedIn — planning an action strategy

As with any other social media, marketing on LinkedIn also requires a strategy. So what is important and through what activities can you build brand awareness?

target group

At the very beginning, you should start by defining the target group – if it is not precisely defined, effective content marketing will not be planned. You can also create a database of different target groups and send specific messages to them.

LinkedIn allows you to precisely determine your target group using demographic data, which is a huge help when planning your strategy.

Interesting content

When publishing content, you should take into account the attractiveness of the message. Potential customers must be encouraged to read the entry and be able to find it easily, so it is significant to use keywords, visually attractive graphics and infographics that will engage recipients and increase the conversion rate of the company website.

Regularity of publications

LinkedIn research shows that a company profile that publishes content regularly reaches about 60% of its followers, thus generating high organic reach. Therefore, it is clear that regularity is extremely significant to attract audiences and establish a bond with them.

It is best to publish content during the week, in the morning and afternoon — this is when the most users are available on LinkedIn. This can increase the effectiveness of the company’s operations.

Types of ads on LinkedIn

Sponsored content

LinkedIn offers several opportunities to advertise your company. Among other things, it allows you to transform organic posts into sponsored posts. How to do it? Just click and pay — this way your profile will reach more potential customers.

By publishing sponsored content, you can direct users to your company website. The following formats can be published as sponsored content:

  • a post with a single graphic and text,
  • a carousel, i.e., a post with several sliding photos and text,
  • post with video material,
  • advertising an event, e.g., a webinar, in which recipients see the most important information about this event

Text ads

This form of advertising is a good solution when you want to quickly reach potential customers. This is a type of advertising that is easy to manage and configure, and its form resembles Google Ads, and its biggest advantage is a relatively low cost per click.

Sponsored news

This form of advertising involves sending personalized messages to potential customers with the goal of increasing brand reach and awareness. Such a message should include a greeting, a CTA (Call-to-action) button and content that encourages users to take action.

This type of advertising is charged based on the cost of sending the message. So you pay for every message you send, even if the recipients do not read it.

Dynamic ads

Their main goal is to redirect traffic to visit your website or acquire new followers. They are called dynamic because, based on the data contained in the user’s profile, they generate a personalized message that is more likely to be effective and for recipients to take action.

Lead generation form

Generating leads is nothing more than arousing interest among recipients and encouraging them to send inquiries about the company’s offer. The lead generation form is placed on the main board and its form is very similar to sponsored posts.

When an interested user clicks on such a link, LinkedIn automatically provides the company with his profile and all the necessary data. Thanks to this, the company builds a database of potential customers and acquires new newsletter subscribers.

Other marketing tools on LinkedIn

Marketing on LinkedIn is very extensive. In addition to the possibility of publishing advertisements and various forms of content, there are other tools available that allow for promotional activities.


If a company publishes articles on its profile, LinkedIn gives it the opportunity to send them to users in the form of a newsletter. Thanks to this, customers will be up-to-date with the most important materials published by the company, and the company will constantly remind them about itself.

LinkedIn Pulse

This tool allows you to publish entire articles on your LinkedIn profile, without having to insert links to your website. Thanks to this, customers will be able to read them directly on LinkedIn, without having to go to the website.

LinkedIn Learning

Formerly it was Lynda.com, but in 2015 it was taken over by LinkedIn. Thanks to this tool, the company can provide online training and courses in several categories: business, technology and creativity.

LinkedIn Events

This is a tool that helps you organize an event, e.g., a webinar. Thanks to it, the user can easily send invitations or control the list of participants. This is a great convenience when organizing such an event online.

How much does advertising on LinkedIn cost?

Before you decide to market using this website, it is worth knowing how much advertising costs. LinkedIn ads are settled in three auction models — pay per click (CPC), pay per 1,000 impressions (CPM) and pay per impression (CPV). A big advantage of LinkedIn is that it suggests which billing model will be best, taking into account our marketing goal.

What matters when it comes to cost is the target group, the rate, the goal, and the relevance factor. However, the prices, unlike advertising on other social media such as Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, are much higher. Ads on LinkedIn are paid in Euro, and the rate per click ranges from 1 to several Euros.

Maintaining an account on LinkedIn

Maintaining a profile on this website is not an easy task. LinkedIn is quite a complicated tool, so it is worth using the help of experts in this field. An interactive social media agency will help you prepare and implement an action strategy based on the company’s intended goals. It is worth emphasizing that regardless of the size of the company and the type of industry in which it operates – running a company LinkedIn is a good solution for every business.

So if you want your company to be present on LinkedIn and achieve your business goals – write to us. Together we will establish an effective action plan.

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